Typen von Herkunftssprachen im Vergleich: Obersorbisch und Polnisch in Deutschland (HOsPoD), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), (540865605), (project fellow)
Linking Borderlands, subproject: Communicative Borderlands, funded by Bildungsministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), (01UC2104C) subproject Europa-University Viadrina (2021-24), (project fellow)
Leksykon studiów nad granicami i pograniczami, project financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, nr 5492/E-344/S/2018-1, (project team member)
Language across generations: contact induced change in morpho-syntax in German-Polish bilingual speech, project financed by Beethoven II, DFG/NCN, (project team member)
Language Contact and Language Policies Across Borders: Construction and Deconstruction of Transnational and Transcultural Spaces, project financed by Collegium Polonicum from the recources oft he European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), (project coordinator) (10 participants representing 9 univeristies in 7 countries)
Instytucjonalne i społeczne oblicze bilingwizmu pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego – analiza polskiej strony (Institutional and social picture of bilingualism in the German-Polish borderland – an analysis of Polish side), project financed by Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung [DPWS], nr 2013-34, (project coordinator)
Language of Boundaries and Boundaries of Language, project financed by Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki (project collaborator), further information: http://borderland.amu.edu.pl/team/
Sprachliche Konstruktion sozialer Grenzen (Linguistic construction of social boundaries), project financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), nr GZ: RO 3555/5-1, (project team member)
1, 2, 3 meine Sprache, deine Sprache, unsere Sprache. Sprachgebrauch in mehrsprachigen Räumen (1,2,3, my language, your language our language. Language use in mulitilingual contexts), project financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), nr JU 395/6-1, (project team member)
Deutsch-polnische Familien: Ihre Sprachen und Familienkulturen in Deutschland und in Polen (German-Polish Families: their languages and family cultures), (project coordinator)